Display and Manage Datasets with OT CLI

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Thread network configuration parameters are managed using Active and Pending Operational Dataset objects. OT CLI includes commands to get and set Active and Pending datasets.

WARNING - Restrictions for production use!

The CLI commands to write or change the Active and Pending Operational Datasets may allow setting invalid parameters, or invalid combinations of parameters, for testing purposes. These CLI commands can only be used:

  • To configure network parameters for the first device in a newly created Thread network.
  • For testing (not applicable to production devices).

In production Thread networks, the correct method to write or change Operational Datasets is through a Commissioner that performs commissioning. Production devices that are not an active Commissioner and are part of a Thread network MUST NOT modify the Operational Datasets in any way.

Active Operational Dataset

The Active Operational Dataset includes parameters that are currently in use across an entire Thread network. The Active Operational Dataset contains:

  • Active Timestamp
  • Channel
  • Channel Mask
  • Extended PAN ID
  • Mesh-Local Prefix
  • Network Name
  • PAN ID
  • PSKc
  • Security Policy

To easily configure a device so that it's a full member of the Thread network, you can use the dataset active -x command to get a hex-encoded TLV, and the dataset set active command to set the dataset on a new device.

On an existing device, get the hex-encoded TLV:

dataset active -x

On a new device, set the active dataset:

dataset set active 0e080000000000010000000300001035060004001fffe00208e227ac6a7f24052f0708fdb753eb517cb4d3051062b2442a928d9ea3b947a1618fc4085a030f4f70656e5468726561642d393837330102987304105330d857354330133c05e1fd7ae81a910c0402a0f7f8

Pending Operational Dataset

The Pending Operational Dataset is used to communicate changes to the Active Operational Dataset before they take effect. The Pending Operational Dataset contains all the parameters from the Active Operational Dataset, with the addition of:

  • Delay Timer
  • Pending Timestamp

Get started

To manage datasets from the command line, complete our Simulation Codelab with Docker and review the CLI Command Reference.

Go to the Simulation Codelab

Go to the CLI Command Reference

For a list of dataset commands, type help:

dataset help

Argument mappings

Security Policy

Security Policy commands use argument mappings to get and set otSecurityPolicy members. For example, dataset active:

dataset active
Active Timestamp: 1
Channel: 13
Channel Mask: 0x07fff800
Ext PAN ID: d63e8e3e495ebbc3
Mesh Local Prefix: fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d::/64
Network Key: dfd34f0f05cad978ec4e32b0413038ff
Network Name: OpenThread-8f28
PAN ID: 0x8f28
PSKc: c23a76e98f1a6483639b1ac1271e2e27
Security Policy: 0, onrcb

In this example, Security Policy: 0 indicates mRotationTime.

Here's a list of all of the Security Policy CLI arguments and the corresponding otSecurityPolicy member for each argument:

The dataset securitypolicy get and set commands also use the same argument mappings, for example setting the securitypolicy and passing o, n, r, and c:

dataset securitypolicy 672 onrc

Dataset components and mgmt commands

Along with other parameters, the mgmtgetcommand and mgmtsetcommand for Active and Pending Datasets allow you to get and set any combination of otOperationalDatasetComponents:

  • activetimestamp
  • pendingtimestamp
  • networkkey
  • networkname
  • extpanid
  • localprefix
  • delaytimer
  • panid
  • channel
  • securitypolicy

For the mgmtgetcommand, you can specify these components in any order to get the corresponding values. Optionally, you can also pass -x to use a hex string that's treated as a byte sequence representation of TLVs. This can be vendor specific TLVs that you might want to add in addition to other parameters.

mgmtgetcommand also allows you to optionally specify the IPv6 address of the leader. Otherwise, the leader ALOC is used.

dataset mgmtgetcommand {active|pending} [address leader-address] [dataset-components] [-x tlv-list]

For example, to get activetimestamp and securitypolicy, use the following arguments:

dataset mgmtgetcommand active address fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799 activetimestamp securitypolicy

To set components, you can also supply the dataset components in any order, followed by the component value.

dataset mgmtgetcommand {active|pending} [dataset-components] [-x tlv-list]

To set the activetimestamp and securitypolicy, use the following arguments:

dataset mgmtsetcommand active activetimestamp 123 securitypolicy 1 onrc